Sagittarius Gambling Luck Today 2019

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  1. See your full Sagittarius money horoscope for 2019. Gambling Tips for Capricorn (December 22 – January 19) You’re ambitious but you like simplicity, Capricorn, which is why you should play Baccarat! This simple game has only three possible results of “Player,” “Banker,” and “Tie.”.
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  1. Improve Gambling Luck
  2. Sagittarius Gambling Luck Today 2019 Results

Sagittarius Gambling Luck Today 2019 They basically give you more money with which to play. This means you can play more since you have more cash and this really improves your chances of winning.

Is today my lucky day to gamble? Ask the Casino Horoscope 2020! We are updating The Casino Horoscope for 2020 every day over the year. We can promises an eventful year, in both casino and personal development and career.

Our astrologer has looked carefully at all the zodiac signs and knows what the lucky days to gamble are for Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces, Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Lion, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio and Sagittarius 2020.

Aries Lucky Days to Gamble

It is an exciting casino year you have ahead of you with unusual planetary events that will help you progress in development. Here are endless possibilities and you, our brave Aries, can come to your own. Stay focused on the slots, and the inspiration will come to you.

If you open your own company or take a step forward as an employee, it is up to you, but professionally you are lucky.

Aries Lucky Days To Gamble

It is a softer Aries we encounter when healer Kiron seriously started working on your case, and what is healed is your self-image. Your soul thirsts after being seen. Listen to the voice of your heart! Kiron processes your soul until 2026, which makes your lucky days to gamble on Saturdays, Mondays and Wednesdays.

Now longing for reconciliation, understanding and perhaps even lifelong love is ignited. February is a sensual month when life plays with you, but it is during the summer that the casino dream will show itself.

Taurus Lucky Days to Gamble:

This is not a neutral and straightforward year – but it is exciting and evolving. You may be surprised yourself by the cocky choices you make. Throughout the winter and spring, the casino takes you on outstanding adventures. The elements of the earth are usually described as stable as the indigenous rock, but 2020 is what we thought was set in change. The second half of the year does not happen as quickly and is therefore suitable for reflection.

The winds of freedom blow through your life and your inner development is, of course, reflected in your casino gambling.

Taurus Gambling – Lucky Days

The winds of gambling freedom blow through your life and your inner development is, of course, reflected in your relationships. Spring feelings come to you already in March when Venus goes through your sign, and you attract attention and admiring glances.

Heaven meets Earth when Uranus penetrates deeper and deeper into your character, and you go into a revolutionary phase change requires formulations. This makes your lucky days to gamble on Mondays, Fridays and Sundays. However, innovation, inventions and sudden changes continue their journey through your sign for several years to come.

Gemini Lucky Days to Gamble:

During the first four months of the year, you are not personally in the epicentre of events, but such a trend-sensitive person that you do not know the paradigm shift and the changed conditions can’t come. When it comes to the gambling year of 2020, it will offer you pleasant, evolving surprises.

The mills of fate begin to grind for you while the karmic northern lunar knots enter your sign in June and 18 months ahead. Fortune knocks on your door and you are faced with new choices and opportunities.

This can be the breakthrough you’ve been waiting for, and the year you find what you are looking for.

Gemini Gambling Horoscope – Lucky days

This is an unusual but super- exciting year of gambling because of the goddess of passion. Venus stands by your side and lights up your existence for more than four months (April 4 – August 8). It means your lucky days to gamble is Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays.

Cancer Lucky Days to Gamble:

Last year you were maximally tested by the universe but received generously with gambling experiences. These dominant planets are still active in 2020, but when favourable Jupiter joins the mix, the development is extremely positive and opens up new opportunities. On January 10, June 21 and July 5, three cocky lunar eclipses occur in Cancer and Capricorn, which of course characterize the events. These events occur on Fridays and Sundays, which is your lucky days to gamble.

Then the connection between the “heavy” planets dissolves during spring and life becomes more comfortable than in many years. The presence of beautiful Jupiter gives you a final shot, and gambling and lucky events are created.

It’s a time of change, so if you want to make the most of the future, you have to give in to everything new that wraps up in your life.

Cancer horoscope – Gambling and luck for the day

Drama-Pluto and sad Saturn have been around you for a long time now. Many Cancerians have probably found that the riddle of gambling has been too difficult to solve. The best thing right now is that Saturn is losing itself.

The planet of happiness Jupiter will be in your gambling sector throughout the year, which of course opens up entirely new opportunities. But note – Venus is in the Gemini from April 4 to August 8, so it is not until late summer that your love life will be blessed.

The Lion Lucky Days to Gamble:

The world of lions is love and joy central, and we love you for your big warm heart. Most of all, you want life to be beautiful, harmonious and comfortable and can, therefore, hesitate before changes.

Here, however, is waiting for a dynamic year that gives you a lot of new things to think about and your views open. By the end of 2020, you have managed to enter a development phase, and once you have welcomed the new, there is not a chance that you want to go back to what it was before.

You get in touch with brilliant people with whom you can bounce ideas, which makes your gambling world grow.

Lion’s horoscope – Is Today My Lucky Day To Gamble

If you live in a couple, the horoscope indicates a need to find joint projects that you both like and can light up. If you are a Lion without a partner, it’s time to allow the right casino to come in.

Venus is in the Gemini extra long this year (April 3 – August 7) ​​, and during that period, you will reach the depth of your heart and may be able to heal old heart wounds. In September, Venus is in your character, making it the most beautiful month of love when attraction, flirtation and romance work best. Your most lucky days to gamble is on Mondays, Fridays and Saturdays.

Virgo Lucky Days to Gamble:

Now, a lot happens in your professional life, but also in the area that you define as home. Of this year’s five solar and lunar eclipses, four of them land in these areas. No matter how you live today, the soul longs to get rooted. Having a safe base, a beautiful oasis where you can recover is essential for your 2020, which contains lots of new and exciting influences from the outside.

Having a safe base, a beautiful oasis where you can recover is essential for your 2020.

Virgo horoscope – Is Today My Lucky Day To Gamble

2020 is a lovely year of gambling with change, joy and development. That both Venus and Mars have long retrograde periods during the year will give you deep insights about giving and talking about gambling. Your lucky gambling days are therefor on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Sundays.

Libra Lucky Days to Gamble

Your year is winding down, and the first three months are intense, exciting and evolving. This is a fascinating year as you take a whole new step and develop. Career is in focus – perhaps by 2020, you will experience self-realization in professional life. It can be a breakthrough, or you make successful changes that make you happy in the long run.

No one is going to say it’s easy, but you show tremendous development, personal growth and ability to change shape.

Libra horoscope – Is Today My Lucky Day To Gamble

Libra, as always, seeks to gamble and live a peaceful life in harmony with the universe. It will – but you have two exciting periods to go through first. April to August is Venus in Gemini. Then your feelings are tested, and maybe you will come to a deep understanding of what gambling is all about. Here the desire to discover can be aroused. Libras lucky gambling days are Fridays and Sundays. Mondays and Thursdays are bad days for gambling.

Scorpio Lucky Days to Gamble

Through the extremely powerful transits, 2020 is widely publicized and feared by astrologers. Interestingly, it is when the winds of change blow you that you feel most at home and find peace. This is a stable year financially and in terms of work. Personally and privately, you are attracted to new circles and want to learn new things, experience more and be challenged intellectually. Maybe it is long journeys, new cultures or a foreign residence that kicks you?

Scorpio’s horoscope – Is Today My Lucky Day To Gamble

For you, Gambling is everything, and passion is your life elixir. For you who are born into a fixed character, change is not something you take lightly.

April 3 to August 7 makes Venus deep diving, which can make you question your values and emotions. You want more happiness, love, enjoyment and quality of life – and probably less planarian and everyday fun. Your lucky days for gambling is Thursdays, Wednesdays and Sundays.

Sagittarius Lucky Days to Gamble

Last year, Jupiter’s presence in Sagittarius was characterized by active development. Now that he has left you does not mean that your processes will stop, on the contrary. 2020 may very well prove to be an even more exciting and decisive year for your development as the karmic lunar nodes begin to move through the sign-in June. Expect interesting meetings! Love and relationships are a significant and successful theme for you this year.

Sagittarius Gambling horoscope and lucky days for gambling

Life plays with you, and from April to August, the universe is extra generous. Lovely! You are flourishing socially now, your network of contacts is widening, and you are attracting the slots. And that hot Mars is in your sexy fifth house from July to the end of the year does not worsen the odds. A fantastic year of gambling awaits both single and threaded. Your lucky days are Saturdays and Sundays. Do not gamble on Mondays!

Sagittarius Gambling Luck Today 2019

Capricorn Lucky Days to Gamble:

The talked-about and dramatic Pluto-Saturn meeting will come to you on January 10. Even the first eclipse of the year lands with you just that day, so expect an exciting and transformed year.

During the summer, fall further two mörkelser, landing on your confirmed and Stenbocks axis. As the tremendous development continues, it is not until one year that we can discern the outcome of the process you are going through.

It is as likely that you will leave a relationship as you will meet your twin soul and form a family

Capricorn horoscope – Gambling and lucky days to gamble

With grand Jupiter on your side, experimental and crazy Uranus in your sexy fifth house, the choice is yours! All days on the weak is your lucky days. That the two work together is “thank god” – the aspect we all want at some point in life. This is happening to you now.

Aquarius Lucky Days to Gamble:

This is a so-called middle year when the cosiness and well-being factor is high, and life flows at a comfortable pace. Personal relationships, quality of life, friendship and love are things that can take place now. It is also possible to cultivate an interest.

It is an even year, where you will not have to go through significant falls or emotional crashes – but perhaps no breakthrough either. See this as a preparation for 2021, which is a “big” year for you.

You do yourself a favour if you take an extra course or further education so that you are ready to step into the future when it comes

Aquarius horoscope – Gambling and the best day to gamble

The year begins comfortable and profitable with Venus in your sign. The famous retrograde period when Venus lingers in the Gemini. Play, enjoy love and have as much fun as it can! Your lucky days to gamble are Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Saturdays.

Pisces Lucky Days to Gamble

Outwardly, 2020 may not go down to history as your most tumultuous year, but through all twelve months runs a red thread of intense personal growth. We see favourable professional development and, interestingly, a stronger ambition to succeed in business than ever. You will reap the most significant successes on the personal plane.

In retrospect, you will talk about this as the year when you found yourself, found your direction, discovered that happiness resided in you and created a harmonious lifestyle.

Pisces horoscope – Gambling and lucky days

From April 3 to August 7, Venus guides you through the jungle of gambling; you gain insights about yourself and your past choices. Fantastic! Wow! Now is the time to deepen the gambling and reach real intimacy or find total happiness with a new friend.

The bands you make now are charitable and lasting. You have a strong focus on ambiguity and cohabitation in 2020. Your lucky days to gamble is Mondays, Fridays and Sundays.

Ask yourself: «Is today my lucky day to gamble» or «Should I gamble today»?

How would you know?

Every year in the UK, the positions of the stars in relation to the Earth change, and this has an impact to the tides and the fortune of those who were born on particular days of the month.

The burning question is: what roles do the zodiacs play in your life? And most importantly, how will you use these zodiacs to your gambling advantage?

Here, we will take a new look at the meaning of each sign, and tell you what your casino horoscope can do about your gambling success.

Gambling Horoscope 2019

Zodiac SignLucky ColourLucky DaysYou might be lucky with
AquariusLight-Blue, SilverSaturdaySign Up Bonus
PiscesPurple and GreenThursdayMatching Casino Bonuses
AriesRedTuesdayTournaments & Leaderboards Promotions
TaurusGreen and PinkFriday and MondayFree Spins & Free Bets
GeminiYellow and Light GreenWednesdayOnce-a-week & Once-a-month Bonuses
CancerWhiteMonday and ThursdayInsurance Promotions
LeoGold, Yellow, and OrangeSundayDeposit & Reload Bonuses
VirgoGray and YellowWednesdayComp Points Offers
LibraPink and GreenFridayNo Deposit Bonuses
ScorpioRed and RustTuesdayHigh Roller’s Bonus
SagittariusBlueThursdayReferral Offers
CapricornBlack and BrownSaturdayWelcome Bonuses/Packages

Aquarius Gambling Horoscope

Sagittarius Gambling Luck Today 2019

The person in this sign is shy and prefers to be alone. Pretty much, Aquarian is an introvert and is at his best self when working on his own.

This 2019, the people who belong to this sign will feel one with online casinos. Since they are intelligent, they are better off playing the games that require analytical thinking- poker and blackjack are the best options where they can thrive.

Remember, the game must be online. Playing in land-based casinos can alter your mood and make you lean towards bad calls.

  • Lucky Colour to Gamble: Light-Blue, Silver
  • Lucky Numbers to Gamble: 4, 7, 11, 22, 29
  • Lucky Days to Gamble: Saturday
  • Compatible Games to Gamble: Blackjack and Poker
  • You might be lucky with: Sign Up Bonus

Pisces Gambling Horoscope

Pisces are not known for high skill but for being intuitive. They are gentle and also love games that do not require aggression.

If you are in this sign, you are in a good position to trust your fresh instincts in games that are based on chance, such as the lottery or slot machines.

This is because your ruling planet is Neptune, and you are likely to be in tune with the energy that flows in the universe, like intuitively knowing the winning numbers, rather than relying on your own intellect.

  • Lucky Colour to Gamble: Purple and Green
  • Lucky Numbers to Gamble: 3, 9, 12, 15, 18, 24
  • Lucky Days to Gamble: Thursday
  • Compatible Games to Gamble: Slots and Lottery
  • You might be lucky with: Matching Casino Bonuses

Aries Gambling Horoscope

This is the first sign of the zodiac Astrology and gambling and is always the mark of the starter. Aries are impulsive and thrive on fast-paced games like slot machines. You love competition and belong to the element of fire. As such, you want hot games where you can exert your authority and will to win.

Aries are also known to take care of themselves first. And what this means is that they have the capacity to keep their winnings and not gamble them back.

  • Lucky Colour to Gamble: Red
  • Lucky Numbers to Gamble: 1, 8, 17
  • Lucky Days to Gamble: Tuesday
  • Compatible Games to Gamble: Slots
  • You might be lucky with: Tournaments & Leaderboards Promotions

Taurus Gambling Horoscope

Taurus is a strong and grounded person. He will work very hard enough to get to his goal. If he loses today, he will create a new approach for tomorrow.

2019 is a great year for Taurus as he is probably the only one on the table who have the persistence to win.

With such character, Taurus is going to succeed in card games that require skills. A roulette table is also a good option, as this game requires some mathematical discipline to win.

And because people in this sign are conservative, they are best off with classic games. The thing is, they should choose only one and then dedicate their efforts to it.

You have two lucky days to gamble, so you have more chances to win than some other zodiacs.

  • Lucky Colour to Play: Green and Pink
  • Lucky Numbers to Play: 2, 6, 9, 12, 24
  • Lucky Days to Play: Friday and Monday
  • Compatible Games to Play: Card games and roulette
  • You might be lucky with: Free Spins & Free Bets

Gemini Gambling Horoscope

As a witty person, Gemini tends to be overwhelmed with his own genius. The downside to this is that he may fall victim to his own restlessness. He is a little impulsive and can gamble only to please people and not his pockets.

This year, the daily gambling horoscope for Gemini predicts that his best course of action is to manage his impulsiveness. As a risk-taker, Gemini can succeed in tables like baccarat and crap. However, the stars will only be on his side if he concentrates and not gives in to his impulsive desires.

  • Lucky Colour to Gamble: Yellow and Light Green
  • Lucky Numbers to Gamble: 5, 7, 14, 23
  • Lucky Days to Gamble: Wednesday
  • Compatible Games to Gamble: Baccarat or Craps
  • You might be lucky with: Once-a-week & Once-a-month Bonuses

Cancer Gambling Horoscope

People in this sign are intuitive, yet they are also known for being emotional. This characteristic that leans toward being sentimental can be your bane if you do not manage it.

As a sentimental person, the flashing lights and noise of casino games can distract you. But the good thing is that if you play online, you can control these noises and lights.

As a Brave Crab, you are tenacious, which means you have the capacity to learn, understand, and beat any kind of casino game.

  • Lucky Colour to Gamble: White
  • Lucky Numbers to Gamble: 2, 3, 15, 20
  • Lucky Days to Gamble: Monday and Thursday
  • Compatible Games to Gamble: All types of games
  • You might be lucky with: Insurance Promotions

Leo Gambling Horoscope

Leo is a born leader. Because of this, a person in this sign will assert himself. As such, this person will want to play games that deliver a different kind of rush and excitement.

As a Leo, you will do well this year if you play games that require luck and a little bit of concentration like bingo.

As a dominant character, you will also enjoy and find your luck in the lottery because these games make you dominant if you win.

The time for gambling for a Leo is Sunday, for it is the day where you feel rested and use your energy to dominate.

  • Lucky Colour to Play: Gold, Yellow, and Orange
  • Lucky Numbers to Play: 1, 3, 10, 19
  • Lucky Days to Play: Sunday
  • Compatible Games to Play: Bingo and Card games
  • You might be lucky with: Deposit & Reload Bonuses

Virgo Gambling Horoscope

Virgo is a person who pays attention to the smallest of details. If you belong to this sign, you love the challenge of analytical problems, and you have a knack for solving them.

The best casino game where you can apply these traits is blackjack, including its latest variations. Here, you can find out how many pounds it takes to invest and get a decent profit, so choose the blackjack game wisely.

  • Lucky Colour to Gamble: Gray and Yellow
  • Lucky Numbers to Gamble: 5, 14, 15, 23, 32
  • Lucky Days to Gamble: Wednesday
  • Compatible Games to Gamble: Blackjack
  • You might be lucky with: Comp Points Offers & Vip Clubs

Libra Gambling Horoscope

Libra is a systematic person. And given this character trait, you can use this to your advantage if you play poker or slots.

Poker requires a lot of analytical thinking, and you can create a system this year to help you make wise decisions such as when to call or fold.

Slots are also great as you can create a betting system that will improve your odds of winning and decrease your chances of losing.

Your lucky days this month are Thursday and Friday, but Friday is the best.

  • Lucky Colour to Gamble: Pink and Green
  • Lucky Numbers to Gamble: 4, 6, 13, 15, 24
  • Lucky Days to Gamble: Friday
  • Compatible Games to Gamble: Poker and Slots
  • You might be lucky with: No Deposit Bonuses UK

Scorpio Gambling Horoscope

As a Scorpio, you tend to fixate on one game. Part of your personality is also being secretive. Since you keep to yourself, you can use this to hide your emotions when playing poker against other players.

Scorpio lucky days to gamble are Tuesdays. If you cannot play on Tuesdays, make sure you play on days close to Tuesday to improve your luck.

Also, you are in a good position if you win in the lottery, as you can keep your winnings to yourself and not disclose it to everybody.

  • Fortunate Colour to Play: Red and Rust
  • Fortunate Numbers to Play: 8, 11, 18, 22
  • Fortunate Days to Play: Tuesday
  • Compatible Games to Play: Blackjack and Lottery
  • You might be lucky with: High Roller’s Bonus

Sagittarius Gambling Horoscope

As a person of this sign, you love mystery and thrive in the unknown. You are curious, and you have boundless energy.

The best games you should play are card games that will make use of these traits. As a person who loves challenges, you can mix and match different possible combinations in roulette until you find that secret to winning.

  • Lucky Colour to Gamble: Blue
  • Lucky Numbers to Gamble: 3, 7, 9, 12, 21
  • Lucky Days to Gamble: Thursday
  • Compatible Games to Gamble: Card games plus roulette
  • You might be lucky with: Referral Offers

Improve Gambling Luck

Capricorn Gambling Horoscope

People in this sign are responsible, and as such, they are better off in roulette because they can maintain the discipline it takes to use a gambling strategy.

As a Capricorn, you are also conservative, and you are in the best time of your life on the roulette table as you can manage your bankroll better than those who belong to the other 11 signs.

  • Fortunate Colour to Play: Black and Brown
  • Fortunate Numbers to Play: 4, 8, 13, 22
  • Fortunate Days to Play: Saturday
  • Compatible Games to Play: Roulette
  • You might be lucky with: Welcome Bonuses/Packages
Sagittarius Gambling Luck Today 2019

Some Tips for Your Zodiac

Apart from the role of the stars in your gambling results, there are some ways on how to get lucky at the casino. Whenever you play, you must consider the following:

there are lucky days for you to play. These are days when the stars that make up your zodiac are in the perfect attainment. Choose these days when you play in land-based or online casinos. If you have work, or if you want to play but the lucky day is not yet here, play only on the days close to your lucky one.
the lucky numbers are great to use for choosing roulette bets and lottery picks. What you need to do is to ensure that at least one of these numbers are present in your chosen bets.
the games that match your sign does not mean that you can make a prediction of the outcome. It just entails that your personality is best suited for them. If you focus on an activity that matches your personality, you will find it more enjoyable and easier to concentrate and make the right and logical decisions.
the colours may not all be present in a casino. What you have to do is to bring a lucky item and put it in your pocket. Also, try to be as close to a game that has this colour. If you are playing in a land-based casino, you can stay on tables or near walls that have the colour of your sign.

Sagittarius Gambling Luck Today 2019 Results

Test Your Stars in Casinos with Bonuses

Casinos have different kinds of bonuses that can double your money or let you play without any investment at all. Here are some examples.

  • Welcome bonus – a kind of gift that you get upon registration, which comes in different forms like free spins or free cash.
  • Deposit bonus – this one requires that you deposit a minimum amount of money before you get it. For example, you must deposit £10 to get another free £10. The deposit amount can be as low as £3 pounds. You can check our list of £3 minimum deposit casino to find the most suitable.
  • No deposit bonus – here, you do not have to cash in to get something free. Usually, you will get this upon registration. You can get free spins on certain slots, bingo cards, or free money. In addition, no deposit casino bonus codes for existing players also enable you to get your free bonus.
  • Free Spins – these are spins used on slot machines where you do not have to shell out money from your pocket. Each spin has a determine cost and is usually about 10p.


There goes our gambling astrology for this year. Now that you know the best games for each sign, you can make reliable predictions before you play.

What you can do is to make sure that you choose the right game, the right day, and the right numbers to play with.

2019 is the year of the earth pig, which means zodiacs on the Earth sign will also thrive. So, you are you ready for the challenge?