Ffxiv Alliance Raid Roulette

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  1. Ffxiv Alliance Raid Roulette Unlock
  2. Ffxiv Alliance Raid Roulette Walkthrough
  3. Ffxiv Alliance Raid Roulette Guide
  4. Final Fantasy Xiv Alliance Raid Roulette

One of the questions newer players often ask is what sort of stuff they should have on their daily or weekly to-do list in FFXIV. Sometimes this inquiry comes from a fear of falling behind on time-gated resources, and sometimes it’s just from a general lack of direction when they log in to play.

There are plenty of things to do in FFXIV, and different players have fun with different parts of the game, so your list of important ‘dailies’ might not look like someone else’s. With that in mind, here are some of the activities in the game that reset daily and weekly, and why you may be interested in getting them done.

Daily Tasks

Beginning with Stormblood, some raid tiers are also followed by a single ultimate raid for the best of the best. Alliance raids are fought by 24 players against a sequence of bosses and mobs, similar to a large-scale dungeon. Raids (8 Players) A Realm Reborn Raids. Duty Roulette is a feature for the Duty Finder first introduced in the patch 2.1. Duty Roulette allows the player to participate in randomized duties. Since patch 2.1, various additional roulette modes have been added or changed to reflect the changing state of the game.

Many of these daily timers reset at the same time every day. Some of the timers are instead based on your individual actions, and usually have an 18 hour wait before it’s available again.

If you have limited play time in a day, I recommend combining dailies. For example, while you’re in queue for a Duty Roulette, use that time to track down Hunt marks, gather or craft items for your Grand Company, or complete Beast Tribe dailies. Just make sure you aren’t locked in a craft or cutscene, so that you can switch back to the Job you queued up as when it pops.

Grand Company Supply & Provisions

This daily reset is different than many of the others, and will reset at 8:00 PM BST / 4:00 PM EDT. You can always see how much time is left using the Timers Menu.

FFXIV Unlock Syrcus Tower (Crystal Tower Alliance Raid) - A Realm Reborn Instance: Syrcus Tower (Crystal Tower Alliance Raid) 📌. Note: Do not stand on the pads before the alliance has all arrived, that will start the raid and force the late players to teleport into the left chamber. 4 people stand on each colored platform. The other four focus on killing Atomos. Thanatos is the 3rd boss of the dungeon. Patch 4.1 for Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood just dropped this week and with it came a slew of new features, quality-of-life improvements, changes, quests, and the latest 24-player raid.

If you’re currently levelling any crafting or gathering jobs, I strongly recommend doing these daily turn ins, especially the starred items. Check what your Grand Company needs that day with the Timers Menu. High Quality items are worth double rewards, so high quality starred turn ins will provide a tremendous amount of experience on a noncombat job. If you’re not willing to craft or gather the requested items yourself, you can always buy them from the marketboard, but this can get pricey, especially for HQ items.


Each of the Roulettes in the Duty Finder will give a daily bonus once per day, which resets at 3:00 PM BST / 11:00 AM EDT. Sometimes you hear about an unfortunate new player running the Levelling Roulette multiple times thinking that’s the most efficient method, so be sure you’re not wasting your own time and only run it once. If you can’t remember if you’ve already done a particular roulette yet today, just click on it in the Duty Finder, and look for the orange text at the bottom of the window. It will say ‘Reward Already Received’.

If your goal is experience, I recommend the Levelling, Alliance Raid, and Main Scenario Roulettes. Keep in mind the Main Scenario Roulette is extremely long and boring, with unskippable cutscenes. So while it does give huge rewards, be aware of what you’re signing up for if you choose to do it.

Another common use of daily Roulettes is farming Tomestones. If your goal is the endgame Tomestones of Allegory, five daily Expert Roulettes will get you to the weekly cap most efficiently. For Tomestones of Poetics, you’ll be looking at the Level 50/60/70, Main Scenario, Alliance Raid, and Normal Raid Roulettes.

Beast Tribe Quests

You get 12 allowances each day, resetting at 3:00 PM BST / 11:00 AM EDT. From Heavensward onwards each Beast Tribe will have a single set of three quests per day. I prioritize the Shadowbringers Beast Tribes because you can trade those currencies for high level materia which will be especially valuable when new patches come out. The Pixies in Il Mheg offer combat materia, while the Qiqirn in The Rak’Tika Greatwood provide gathering materia. Presumably the next Beast Tribe will be the Dwarves in Kholusia for crafters.

Of course, the Shadowbringers Tribes are ideal for giving some good exp to your level 70+ jobs. If you do the Pixie quest on a level 80 job you’ll instead receive a small amount of Tomestones of Allegory.

After the Shadowbringers Beast Tribe quests, I sometimes use Heavensward or Stormblood ones if I’m levelling up a Job in the appropriate range. Levels 50-59 can take advantage of the Gnath and Vanu Tribes in Heavensward areas, while levels 60-69 will get use out of the Ananta and Kojin Tribes in Stormblood zones.

If you don’t have time to complete your quests, you can simply accept them and complete them the next day. Keep in mind that you will be unable to accept new beast tribe quests if you still have any active from yesterday. This restriction applies even if they are from a different Beast Tribe. Still, it’s handy as it lets you fall behind by a day and still catch up without losing anything.

Also remember that if you rank up a Beast Tribe’s reputation, you can accept another set of quests from that tribe, as long as you still have allowances remaining. Use this to your advantage and build reputation points even faster by completing these extra quests.

Retainer Ventures

There are a few different types of Ventures, but I consider the 18 hour exploration ones to be ‘daily’. It’s definitely a quick, simple task you can attend to once a day and reap the rewards from. You’ll get some gil pieces and a few items that may be of use to you in crafting or to sell on the marketboard. Ventures have flexible uses, so you might instead take on the daily task of sending your retainers to go grab you some useful materials, shards, or random goodies from quick exploration.

Assigning your retainers to the 18 hour open exploration (field, highland, woodland, or waterside) is usually the last thing I do before I log out, which makes it easy to remember to do. You’re sure to be in a sanctuary that way too, so you’ll always be storing up Rested Experience when you aren’t playing.

Treasure Map

You can collect one treasure map every 18 hours with a gathering Job. You can use Fisher too (with the level 67 ability ‘Salvage’), but I use Miner or Botanist and just quickly interact with a few level 80 nodes until the map I’m looking for appears. Timeworn Zonureskin Maps are the current endgame map, so that’s what you’ll probably be looking for among the level 80 nodes in Shadowbringers zones. Timeworn Gliderskin Maps can be found here as well, but I recommend holding out for the Zonureskin ones to appear since they’re worth more.

Even if you’re not going to use the maps yourself, you can usually sell them regularly on the marketboard. If you do want to stock up on them and use them yourself, remember that they’re unique items so you can only hold one in each inventory location. This means having one active map in your key items, and unused maps in your inventory, saddlebag, and with each of your retainers.

The Hunt (Daily Mark Bills)

If you’re trying to farm up allied seals, centurio seals, or sacks of nuts, then you might be interested in doing some or all of your daily mark bills from the hunt boards in the starting cities and in the expansion hubs. Usually I’ll just do the three star bills which give a total of 75 seals (5 marks x 15 seals each). The one and two star bills are less efficient for your time. If you do those 10 extra marks you’ll get another 35 seals, for a total of 110 per day.

You should still accept the full set of bills at once, in case you come across those enemies by chance in your travels. Also sometimes your mark will be on two different bills meaning you just get more seals at the same time for no extra effort.

A secondary reason to complete your daily mark bills is combat experience. If you’re in queue for a roulette and are trying to level a DPS job, you can hunt some marks of a similar level for a small amount of easy experience while practicing your job’s abilities.

This shares the daily reset time of 3:00 PM BST / 11:00 AM EDT.

Mini Cactpot

The Mini Cactpot Broker in the Gold Saucer will let you purchase three cards per day to play this quick little game, reminiscent of a scratch lottery ticket. The NPC is located in Entrance Square facing the Aetheryte Plaza. Your daily allowances reset at 3:00 PM BST / 11:00 AM EDT. You always win MGP no matter how you play, and you could win up to 10,000 MGP per card if you’re lucky (and smart).

Check out one of the Mini Cactpot Solvers you can find online if you absolutely need to have the best odds at winning the jackpot. Personally I find it more fun (and quick) to just try my best on my own.

Squadron Missions

Similarly to your Retainers, I like to check in on my Grand Company once per day and send them on a mission. Even if I don’t need to level them up anymore, I can still receive bonus gil, materia, or scrips from any mission. It’s also an opportunity to reroll unwanted chemistry on my recruits.

Most of these missions take 18 hours, so I consider it a daily task and usually assign them before I log out for the night. If you’re still levelling the recruits, you could make it a point to do three training sessions a day, or all the training and a mission.

Weekly Tasks

All of these weekly tasks reset on Tuesdays at 8:00 AM BST / 4:00 AM EDT.

Limited Tomestone

The current weekly capped Tomestones of Allegory are limited to 450 per week, but you can hold up to 2,000. These are used to get very high item level gear, and you’ll need to save up for weeks to get the more expensive slots like weapon, body, and leg pieces.

Even if you get loot from the current savage raids, your BiS will still require some Tomestone equipment as well, so be sure you’re hitting the weekly cap if you can.

Challenge Log

The Challenge Log is a reliable source of combat experience, noncombat experience, companion experience, MGP, and several other currencies. And of course, you’ll get a ton of gil from doing most of the challenges which is always useful.

This is one of those activities where you get to choose how much or how little you dive into it each week, and where you want to spend your efforts and gain rewards that are important to you. If you love PvP, there are challenges for that. The Gold Saucer category has tons of MGP rewards. Even Eureka has a whole set of challenges to give you a boost to your Eureka levels.

The Hunt (Weekly Mark Bill)

Each of the expansion areas (and your Grand Company) will have a board where you can pick up the weekly Elite Mark Bill. It shows a target worth 100 of that expansion’s respective currency.

The ARR one is usually the most tedious to find (made so much easier now that you can fly in ARR!), but I’m still doing them for the easy 100 Allied Seals until I finish up all my riding maps for the ARR zones. Heavensward and Stormblood each have Elite Marks for a total of 200 Centurio Seals, and if you’re level 80 in Shadowbringers you can slay that mark for 100 sacks of nuts.

Wondrous Tails

Starting at level 60, Khloe Aliapoh in Idyllshire will have a Wondrous Tails journal each week for you to fill out, resetting on Tuesdays. You technically have two weeks to complete it, since you can turn in last week’s and then accept the new journal for the current week. You can check the deadline for your current journal at the top of its window.

This is a really fun, varied way of earning some cosmetic rewards, Tomestones, MGP, Materia, and even Combat EXP. You’ll be encouraged to complete a bunch of different duties each week, and you pick your rewards from a list of options. The bingo style journal game means you could earn more rewards depending on your luck, but you’re always guaranteed to win something just for finishing it.

Custom Deliveries

There are six clients available now for Custom Deliveries, but you’ll have to pick just two each week to deliver for with your 12 allowances (6 allowances per client). Just like the Grand Company turn ins, you’ll want to look for the items that give a bonus, which is 1.5x the amount of scrips, gil, and experience if you choose those ones.

The most recently released client usually has the highest rewards, so it’s usually wise to increase their satisfaction right away!

This is hands down the most time efficient source of experience for levelling your crafters and gatherers. It’s also the most efficient way of obtaining yellow and white crafting and gathering scrips, although it’s not farmable due to the weekly limit.

Priority Squadron Mission

While you can send your Grand Company Squadron on one mission every 18 hours, you may only complete a single priority mission each week. Your choice may depend on a combination of mission affinities, attribute thresholds, and rewards.

There are 9 types of rewards, and two difficulties, with the harder difficulty offering twice as many reward items. Personally, I go for the harder missions with more rewards. The required stats for 100% success rate is out of my reach, but putting together a party that meets 2 out of 3 of the attribute thresholds is easy. With a 67% success rate, you can just keep sending them until they succeed, at which point you’ll be limited to regular squadron missions until the weekly reset.

Doman Enclave Donation

This weekly task only takes a minute to complete and is an easy, reliable 40,000 gil every single week. Teleport over to the Doman Enclave and offer up some items, for which you’ll receive double their autosell value in gil.

The easiest, most hassle-free items I prefer to donate are Allagan Platinum Pieces (from Wondrous Tails), Allagan Silver Pieces (from the 18h Open Exploration Ventures), and Clear Demimateria (from Desynthesis or Deep Dungeon loot bags).

Fashion Report

The Fashion Report is a huge infusion of points to your MGP account, and I recommend entering it every week. It’s quite easy to get the 60,000 MGP for a score of 80+, and this is boosted by using something like a Gold Saucer VIP Card.

The theme and hints for the week will be available in game at the Gold Saucer after Tuesday’s reset, but you’ll have to wait until Friday to present yourself for judging. You have several attempts in case you don’t get a high enough score right away. The FFXIV subreddit has a Fashion Report post every Friday, so you can follow the amazing u/kaiyoko to check her awesome infographic and see what sort of garments you can wear for a good score.

Jumbo Cactpot

Another Gold Saucer attraction that could earn you tons of MGP is the Jumbo Cactpot. While it might look and feel like gambling, there’s actually no risk involved. You can buy three tickets for a paltry sum of 450 MGP (100, 150, and 200 per ticket), but you win much more than that just as a consolation prize for each ticket, so they’re basically handing out rewards left and right.

The winning number will be drawn on Saturdays at 8:00 PM BST.

Savage Reclears

If you’re new to savage raiding, these are difficult endgame fights that drop some of the best equipment available to your max level jobs. It’s a set of four fights, and you’ll have to clear them in order every week to get loot from all of them. If you enter into one of the higher level duties, it counts your lower fights as cleared and you’ll be ineligible for their rewards until the weekly reset.

Ffxiv Alliance Raid Roulette Unlock

If you’re unfamiliar with how savage loot works, these drops are limited each week. You earn one ‘page’, sometimes called a ‘book’ for each fight each week. You’ll also have a chance to roll on random equipment pieces that drop. The pages are accumulated and traded for the specific equipment pieces of your choice from an NPC vendor.

Of course you can enter and complete the fights as many times as you want, but you’ll only receive the drops for your first clears of the week. If you’re new to the tier it will take time to learn each fight, so don’t expect to complete all four your first time around.

Since many players only run these fights once each every week, you’ll see more people running them on Tuesday (the reset day), and then another uptick of interest when the weekend comes around. These are your best times to look for people in the Party Finder to practice, clear, or reclear the fights.

Newest Alliance Raid

When an Alliance Raid is released, it has limited weekly loot (that often looks pretty cool). This won’t be the most powerful gear available, but it will be an easy way to catch up by replacing an old piece of equipment that’s fallen behind in item level. You can only obtain one piece per week for the first patch it’s out, but you can keep running the duty until you win a loot roll. I check out the equipment for its glamour, and typically try to focus on grabbing a full set one piece at a time.

Another once per week reward is the cracked stellacluster that drops straight into your inventory after finishing the raid. This is good for one grade 8 combat materia of your choice. This is limited to one per week until the next Alliance Raid comes out, but I don’t personally run it just for the cluster, since it’s a fairly small reward, and materia is easy to come by in many other ways.


Your daily or weekly ‘checklist’ will look different depending on your current in game interests. Saving up for cosmetic items? Trying to improve your item level for raiding? There’s only so much time in a day (or week) to play the game, so prioritize based on your personal goals.

For me, weeklies always include the Fashion Report, Custom Deliveries, a Priority Squadron Mission, and capping Tomestones of Allegory. My dailies vary a bit more, but tend to be Beast Tribes, a couple Roulettes for experience, and my Retainer Ventures.

Which of these tasks are most important to you? Have your activities changed over time as you’ve progressed in the game? Let me know down in the comments.

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Move over, Phantasmagoria. Tomestones of Allegory are the new endgame Tomestone you’ll be using to gear up your level 80 Jobs. In this post I’ll go over what you should prioritize buying, and how to efficiently earn your weekly Allegory. You’re limited to earning just 450 per week, and you can only hold up to 2,000 of these Tomestones at a time.

How to Get Tomestones of Allegory

As mentioned, there is a cap on how much of the highest tier Tomestone you can earn per week. This is to prevent players from burning themselves out in the first week of release, doing everything as fast as they can and then putting the game down for 2 or 3 months.

The weekly cap will be removed in a future patch, at which time another type of Tomestone will come out and become the new time-gated currency. The previous Tomestone does still have some value, so if you’re sitting on a boatload of them, check out how to spend your Phantasmagoria.

First let’s talk about how you should be earning your Allegory. There are a few different activities that reward these Tomestones, but you need to be on a level 80 Job for each of them.


This is my preferred method to earn my weekly 450 Tomestones of Allegory. If you play FFXIV every day, or almost every day, it’s by far the most time efficient way to do it. Simply run an Expert Roulette (requires average item level 440) any five days of the week and you’re all set. That’s about 2.5 hours of play time per week, and you’ll also be earning some nice dungeon loot to Desynthesize or turn in for lots of Grand Company Seals.

For other Roulettes, you’ll need to make sure you’re on a level 80 Job to earn the Allegory bonus.

Expert40 (+50)
Level 80 Dungeons15
Main Scenario50
Alliance Raids50
Normal Raids20
Frontline20 (+20)

Let’s say you don’t play every day and need a quicker three day setup that will get you your Allegory. Do an Expert and Alliance Roulette, and any Eden’s Verse Normal fight. That should still only be about 1-1.5 hours each day for 3 days, and you can earn some tokens from the Eden’s Verse fights to gear up a secondary Job. Don’t forget about your weekly token from E8N (Eden’s Verse: Refulgence), too.

If you haven’t had a chance to play all week, or if you’re so gung ho you just need to get all your Allegory right away, here’s the best way to use Roulettes to get 450 Tomestones of Allegory in one day. It is not for the faint of heart. Run the Level 80 Dungeon, Levelling, Trials, Main Scenario, Alliance Raid, and Normal Raid Roulettes. Then run the Expert Roulette five times. You’ll only get the bonus the first time, but all of the Expert dungeons give you 50 Allegory on their own, so it’s still an easy way to queue for all of them and farm those Tomestones.

Raiding & Extreme Trials

The current tier of the Eden Raid is called Eden’s Verse, and the normal versions of the fights are run regularly by people trying to collect their tokens for i480 gear. You can always jump in a queue for any or all of them and earn 10 Allegory per clear. I usually queue for all of them and then drop whichever ones I’ve already earned loot on. This way I’m working simultaneously on gearing up my main Job and a second one.

If you’re able to clear the Savage versions of Eden’s Verse, that’s 30 Allegory per fight. Just getting your weekly clears will give you 120 which is a significant portion of your Allegory.

If you’ve got the most recent Trial, Cinder Drift (Extreme) on farm, then you can earn 13 Tomestones per clear. It’s not going to get you the full 450 unless you really sink a lot of time into it. However, If you know you’re going to be farming the fight that week for weapon tokens, you can skip one or two Roulettes and still make your weekly cap.

Other Extreme Trials besides the current High-End Duty will give slightly fewer Tomestones of Allegory: 10 for Hades Extreme and 8 for Titania and Innocence. At least they’re worth something if you’re still farming those Trials for their mounts.

Treasure Hunts

I haven’t seen a lot of Treasure Hunting parties in Party Finder, but if you can rustle up a few friends or strangers for a couple hours, you can rack up quite a lot of Tomestones (both Allegory and others). This is a pretty chill way to hang out with friends on a voice call since the content doesn’t require so much focus, and it’s fun to get those Treasure dungeon fakeouts and bonus games. Definitely worth considering if you’re tired of the Expert Roulette grind.

Elite Marks

Shadowbringers Hunt trains are fun and commonly done by trains. Join and keep an eye on your server’s Linkshells for Hunts, and help call out Elite Marks when you see them. You need a few more people than your small Treasure Hunting group, so it’s more popular among random players.

It’s still a pretty relaxed activity, maybe somewhere between an Expert dungeon and Treasure Hunting. This has definitely got more variety though because of all the different Elite Marks. That makes it yet another alternative to help break up the monotony if you’re getting bored of the same weekly routine.

Pixie Beast Tribe Quests

Assuming you don’t need to level any Jobs from 70 to 80, you may want to use the Pixie Quests for a few Tomestones of Allegory instead. These quests are actually worth 5 each for a daily total of 15. It’s not much, but it’s something to do while waiting for a queue.

You’ll still be earning the Pixie currency Fae Fancies that you can spend on VII and VIII Materia, or some cute cosmetics for your player housing. It’s always good to have a stock of these for when you need to meld or remeld you gear each tier.

How to Spend Tomestones of Allegory

Obviously you’re going to be spending your Allegory on equipment. Specifically, the i490 Crystarium set from Aymark <Tomestone Exchange> in Eulmore [10.3, 11.8]. Which pieces to buy first depends largely on what other equipment you already have, and how much, if any, of the Eden’s Verse Savage gear (Edenchoir set) you’re able to get.

Without Savage Gear

If you won’t be clearing the Savage fights this tier, then you’re going to want a complete set of Crystarium gear and work on augmenting that to i500. This takes a total of 12 weeks earning the full weekly amount of Allegory. Remember you can always craft or buy i480 HQ Neo-Ishgardian gear to fill in gaps while you wait for Tomestones.

The most important piece for all Jobs is the Weapon, since it has both your weapon damage stat and the highest individual amount of your main attribute stat. However, in addition to the required 1000 Tomestones of Allegory (which you exchange for Mowen’s Tokens through Aymark <Tomestone Exchange>), you also need seven Blades of Golden Antiquity, which drop from E8N once per week. This puts a timegate on buying your Weapon, so you will have time to buy a couple of other items first.

I recommend buying the Body and Legs equipment first, prioritizing them depending on which one is a bigger boost over what you’re already wearing. You should also be able to afford either the Head, Hands, or Feet slot before you need to start saving for your Weapon. After those pieces, you’ll need to save everything you earn in order to get your Weapon as soon as you have your seventh weekly Blade Token.

From there you can fill in the rest of your set with the rest of the left side and the Waist and Accessories. You’ll want to eventually grab two of the Crystarium Rings and wear one augmented (i500) and one un-augmented (i490), since they are unique items.

With Savage Gear

If you’ll be doing as much Savage as you can, your BiS (Best in-Slot) equipment will be a mix of the Crystarium set and the Edenchoir set. You can check the individual Job channels on The Balance Discord. They’ll be under the (job)_resources channel, and depending on those mentors’ preferred format, you may find a link to Ariyala, Etro, or an image such as the one below.

Since Edenchoir Weapons are a higher item level than Crystarium Weapons, they’re pretty much guaranteed to be part of your BiS, but I still recommend working towards the Crystarium Weapon on the way there. The reason is that you’re not guaranteed to get the Edenchoir Weapon until you’ve cleared E8S eight times. This could very easily take a lot longer depending on the speed of your progression.

If you’re working towards full BiS, you’ll be able to afford ‘wasting’ the 1000 Allegory since you won’t need to spend it on other slots anyway, which will be using Edenchoir gear. On top of that, you might get lucky and have your Edenchoir Weapon drop before you need to spend the Allegory on the Crystarium Weapon, in which case you haven’t wasted any Tomestones.

Obviously if you’ve got one of these handy BiS lists from the mentors at The Balance, you’ll only want to spend Allegory on those pieces that fit into your final equipment set goals, and work on filling the other slots with Savage gear bit by bit.

You should still prioritize Crystarium pieces in the order: Body/Legs > Head/Hands/Feet > Waist/Accessories in order to have the biggest impact on your stats. For the biggest impact on your average item level (if for some reason you’re too low to enter specific content), go in reverse order to fill as many cheap slots as you can with high ilvl gear.


Ffxiv Alliance Raid Roulette Walkthrough

Tomestones of Allegory follow pretty much the same routine you’re used to with endgame Tomestones. Don’t forget about doing Eden’s Verse: Refulgence each week so you can get your hands on that Crystarium Weapon.

Ffxiv Alliance Raid Roulette Guide

There are lots of activities you can choose from to hit your weekly cap of Allegory, so I’m curious which ones do you typically prefer? Let me know in the comments.

Final Fantasy Xiv Alliance Raid Roulette

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